Monday, December 17, 2012

Bully's Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar Countdown 2012: Day 17

If you can see past me (and I admit I'm a fuzzy li'l camera hog), then you can peer into Door Seventeen on my Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar! Can you tell what it is? Why, it appears to be a plastic bag full of Lego parts! I sure hope that's what it is. (hope hope hope hope hope new hope)

It is the galaxy's smallest Death Star! I think I shall call it the Death Starlet! (Not to be confused with Lindsay Lohan.)

Oh, oh, oh! It's actually a handy rack in which to hang up your weapons, including two, count 'em, two blasters in which to put your faith in rather than some hokey old religion, and an ancient weapon (aka lightsaber). This will be good for me because John is always telling me to pick up my Jedi weapons from the floor and hang them up somewhere.

You know, though, I think you're supposed to switch off the lightsaber before you hang it up on the rack. Oh well!

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